- One of the most widely used wired LAN technologies
- Operates in Data-Link-Layer and Physical Layer
- Family of networking technologies that are defined in the IEEE 802.2 and 802.3 standards
- Supports data band witdhs of 10, 100, 10,000, 40,000, and 100,000 (100Gbps)
Ethernet standards
- Define Layer 2 protocols and Layer 1 technologies
- Two separate sublayers of the data link layer to operate - Logical Link Control (LLC) and the MAC sublayers
Evolution of Ethernet
Ethernet frame format
- Preamble : Synchronization Purpose, 56bit of alternating 1s and 0s
- SFD : Delimiter and also synchronization. The last two bits indicate the receiver that the upcoming field is the destination address
- Destination address : Destination MAC address
- Source address : Source MAC address
- CRC : Error Detection
Unicast and Multicast address
- multicast address: the recipients are all the stations on the LAN. A broadcast destination address is forty-eight Is.
Changes in the Standard
Bridged Ethernet
- The more bridges are divided, the more the effects of the collision are dispersed.
Switched Ethernet
- Share Bandwidth all equally.
- Since it is connected to a switch, there is no effect on other domain because the collision occurs in an independent space.
Full-duplex switched Ethernet