
  • PPP (Point to point Protocol)
    [+] Security [+]/네트워크 2020. 10. 17. 18:04

    PPP (Point to Point Protocol)

    • majority of home user use
    • simple error control : discarding and resending
    • no flow control


    PPP frame format

    Address field

    • fixed 11111111 (broadcast address)

    Protocol field

    • defines what is being carried
    • dafault 2 bytes long

    Payload field

    • maximun 1500 bytes

    FCS field

    • CRC

    Transition Phase

    Transition Phase (FSM)


    • state of start
    • no active carrier and the line is quiet


    • when one of the two nodes starts the comuincation
    • options are negotiate
    • (an extra step) do authentication


    • the exchange of data packets can be started
    • the connection remains in this state until one of the endpoints wants to terminate the connection


    • the system remain until the carrier is dropped and goes Dead state


    • Three additional protocol -> makes PPP powerful

    Multiplexing in PPP

    Link Control Protocol (LCP)

    • etablishing, maintaining, configuring, and termlnatlng links
    • also provides negotiation mechanisms to set optlons between the two endpoints
    • all LCP packets are carried in the payload field

    LCP packet encapsulated in a frame

    • code field : define the type of LCP
    • id field : match a request with a reply; one endpoint inserts a value in this field, which will be copied into the reply packet.
    • informatlon field : divided into three fields. optlon type, optlon length, and optlon data

    Authentication Protocol (AP)

    • PPP hsa created two protocols for authentication; PAP, CHAP

    PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)

    1. The user who wants to access a system sends an authentication identi fication (usually the user name) and a password.
    2. The system checks the validity of the identification and password and either accepts or denies connectlon.


    CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)

    1. The system sends the user a challenge packet containing a challenge value. usually a few bytes
    2. The user applies a predefined function that takes the challenge value and the user's own password and creates a result. The user sends the result in the response packet to the system.
    3. The system does the same.


    Network Control Protocol (NCP)

    • carry a network-layer data packet from protocols defined by the Internet, OSI Xerox and so on


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