the connection remains in this state until one of the endpoints wants to terminate the connection
the system remain until the carrier is dropped and goes Dead state
Three additional protocol -> makes PPP powerful
Multiplexing in PPP
Link Control Protocol (LCP)
etablishing, maintaining, configuring, and termlnatlng links
also provides negotiation mechanisms to set optlons between the two endpoints
all LCP packets are carried in the payload field
LCP packet encapsulated in a frame
code field : define the type of LCP
id field : match a request with a reply; one endpoint inserts a value in this field, which will be copied into the reply packet.
informatlon field : divided into three fields. optlon type, optlon length, and optlon data
Authentication Protocol (AP)
PPP hsa created two protocols for authentication; PAP, CHAP
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
The user who wants to access a system sends an authentication identi fication (usually the user name) and a password.
The system checks the validity of the identification and password and either accepts or denies connectlon.
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
The system sends the user a challenge packet containing a challenge value. usually a few bytes
The user applies a predefined function that takes the challenge value and the user's own password and creates a result. The user sends the result in the response packet to the system.
The system does the same.
Network Control Protocol (NCP)
carry a network-layer data packet from protocols defined by the Internet, OSI Xerox and so on