
  • 데이터 링크 제어 DLC(Data Link Control)
    [+] Security [+]/네트워크 2020. 10. 15. 00:20


    • When a message is carried in one very large frame, even a single-bit error would require the retransmission of the whole frame

    fixed-size framming

    • there is no defining the boundaries of frame
    • the size itself can be used a delimiter
    • example : ATM, WAN

    Variable size framming

    Character-Oriented framming

    • carried 8-bit character (such as ASCII)
    • To seperate one frame from next one, an 8-bit flag is added at beginning and the end of the frame
    • The Header carries the source and destination and other control infromation (8-bit)
    • The Trailer carries error detection redandunt bits (8-bit)

    Bit-Oriented framming

    • delimetiter to seperate one frame from the other, Protocol uses a special 8-bit pattern flag (01111110)
    • In dataword, If we encounter 011111, to avoid misunderstaning with flag, add single 0 bit; 01111110 -> 011111010 (It called bit stuffing)

    Bit-Oriented frame
    Bit Stuffing

    Flow and Error control

    Flow control

    • If the items are produced faster than they can be consumed, the consumer can be overwhelmed and may need to discard some ltems. (Vice versa)


    • AIthough flow control can be implemented in several ways, one of the solutions is normally to use two buffers
    • A buffer is a set of memory locatlons that can hold packets at the sender and receiver
    • When the buffer of the receiving data-link layer is full, it informs the sending data-link layer to stop pushing frames.

    Error control

    • Error control at the data-link layer is normally very simple and implemented using one of the following two methods.
    • In both methods, a CRC is added to the frame header by the sender and checked by the receiver.
      • In the first method, if the frame is corrupted, it is silently discarded; if it is not corrupted,  the packet is delivered to the network layer. This method is used mostly in wired LANs such as Ethernet.
      • ln the second method, if the frame is corrupted, it is silently discarded; if it is not corrupted, an acknowledgment is sent(for the purpose of both flow and error control) to the sender.


    Data Link Control Protocols

    • Simple
    • Stop and Wait
    • Go Back N (disapeared)
    • Selective Repeat (disapeared)


    • In sender site, not immediatly send ACK
    • Only if we have data to transfer.
    • Add(Piggybacking) an ACK field within an existing data frame.


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